Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I was
A sinner

He is my
Giver of peace
Giver of joy
Giver of confidence

I am

I was
He found me
He called me
I now am

Monday, April 29, 2013


One way or another
I will get to the bottom of this
I will figure this out
I will sift through the wreckage
I will sort out the good
I will throw out the bad
I will 
Oh... wait a second
I won't
I can't do this
No way
It's impossible
I just can't
Going in circles
Running around and around
Not sure where I am anymore
Thought I knew
Thought I had it all figured out
In reality I never could
At least
Not on my own
For I am never truly alone
I never had to sort it all out
Never needed get to the bottom of this
Didn't have to figure this out
Wasn't my place to sift through the wreckage
Not my job to sort out the good
Don't have to throw out the bad
Because when my mind is scrambled
And I don't know where to turn
Don't know what to do
Jesus steps in
He saves the day
A with a touch of his love
His grace and mercy
In one instant
He puts it all back together again
And before I know what hits me
My life has been

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Abba Father

Silently sipping tea
Sitting on a good friend's couch
The sound of fingers on a keyboard
The hum of laptop fans
The whir of the heater kicking on
Just Oli and I
She's doing homework
I pray and I write
In her kitchen, where her couches reside
Thoughts and feelings
They buzz around my mind
Endlessly going in circles
Confusion and choices yet undecided
Who knows what the future holds in store?
Who knows what comes next?
Who knows what I should do?
Who knows what I shouldn't do?
The I remember
I remember the one with answers to every question
The one who has it all planned out
And it all fades away
Peace covers me where once fear stood firm
Comfort surrounds me where confusion took hold
He is good, he is pure, he is love
My Abba Father

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Testimony Time

    I will never forget the first time that I heard a person ask. They were serious but it seemed like a joke at the time. I was maybe 16 at the most. "How did you do it? How did you keep going  How did you get through all of that and come out on top?" I just stared at my good friend. I stared because I had no idea what else to do. We were walking around town and she was playing her iPod. A Martina McBride song called " Concrete Angel" played and I burst into tears.  My poor friend was completely confused and asked an obvious question. " It's just a song, whats your problem?" My problem was this.

   For seven years I was abused. Betrayed by someone I loved and cared about. Broken,  beaten, torn apart at the seems was what it felt like. After that it was one hard hit after another, I lost friend after friend. The man I loved and wanted to marry died, my friend killed in a car wreck, foster care, one house worst than the last. I just knew it as life. As I told my friend about the path I had walked down she too began to tear up. She just stood beside me. She didn't know what to say or do. All she said was "Oh, I'm sorry". At that I became furious. I didn't want anyone to be sorry for anything that had happened and I blatantly, a little harshly, told her so.  That is when she asked a question that nobody had ever asked me before then. "How did you do it? How did you keep going  How did you get through all of that and come out on top?" 

   It amazed me that it took someone that long to ask but it shocked me all the same. I never knew there was another option. I just kept fighting. It never occurred to me to quit. Never once. It did often after that day. The question that was intended to praise a strong, big-hearted survivor broke her. Daily after that I questioned myself. "why me, how come, how did I get through that, why not give up." I got depressed and angry. I had no self-esteem and was on the brink of suicide. I ran into that same friend again that September. It was my senior year of high school and I was ready to quit right then and there. The question of how still rang clearly in my brain. I did not know how and did not want to find out but my dear friend, she wouldn't let me quit. No, she pulled me aside that first week of school and told me like it was. 
    I had a lot to think about after that day. I decided to give life one last chance, to try to work things out and really find peace with my past and future. It took months and it wasn't until over a year later that my prayers were answered. It was unexpected. I had accepted Christ into my heart a year earlier and he had been rebuilding, restoring, and working in my life since. It was an early spring evening in April when the question how was answered. A new friend brought answers from God that night. It was clear. He was the reason I made it out. He was there protecting me all along, shielding my eyes, ears and thoughts. Keeping me safe every step of the way. That is " How I did it." It wasn't me at all. It was by God's good grace that I made it here today.

Well folks there you have it. The short version of my testimony. In days and weeks to come stay tuned for additions and elaborations. There are many more adventures to tell about but this is all I have time for today. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Here We Go

Here we go
Step onto the green
Smell the air
It just rained
The field is wet, slippery
The air is heavy
The wind is whipping my hair
Stretch first, always stretch first
First you back
Then shoulders, hips next
Lastly wrists and ankles
OK, warmed up now it's time
lace up
ball steps and goal kicks
Can I do this?
Doubts run through my head
A quick prayer
For strength, speed, conviction,
Peace and heart
I got this
He wants this, it's a gift from him after all
Just do it
Run the ball
Up and down, up and down
Run laps around the field
Game time
It's game time
It's finally here
It's time
Let go and dig in
I can do this
I just did