This blog is about me, the good, the bad, the ugly. Its where I post about life, love, struggles, friends and things God is doing. I'm finding out what being me is all about. I'm finding out what it is I wanna do. I'm finding out just where all my passions Lie. It's falling into place now one piece at a time. I'm finding out who I am, what I love, where I belong. It's all about me being Just Me and Nothing More.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
It's Been a While...
Sunday, November 17, 2013
A Perfect Way
Monday, November 11, 2013
Daddy Time
"Companions as we are in this work with you, we beg you, please don’t squander one bit of this marvelous life God has given us. God reminds us,
I heard your call in the nick of time;
The day you needed me, I was there to help.
Well, now is the right time to listen, the day to be helped. Don’t put it off; don’t frustrate God’s work by showing up late, throwing a question mark over everything we’re doing. Our work as God’s servants gets validated—or not—in the details. People are watching us as we stay at our post, alertly, unswervingly . . . in hard times, tough times, bad times; when we’re beaten up, jailed, and mobbed; working hard, working late, working without eating; with pure heart, clear head, steady hand; in gentleness, holiness, and honest love; when we’re telling the truth, and when God’s showing his power; when we’re doing our best setting things right; when we’re praised, and when we’re blamed; slandered, and honored; true to our word, though distrusted; ignored by the world, but recognized by God; terrifically alive, though rumored to be dead; beaten within an inch of our lives, but refusing to die; immersed in tears, yet always filled with deep joy; living on handouts, yet enriching many; having nothing, having it all.
Dear, dear Corinthians, I can’t tell you how much I long for you to enter this wide-open, spacious life. We didn’t fence you in. The smallness you feel comes from within you. Your lives aren’t small, but you’re living them in a small way. I’m speaking as plainly as I can and with great affection. Open up your lives. Live openly and expansively!
Don’t become partners with those who reject God. How can you make a partnership out of right and wrong? That’s not partnership; that’s war. Is light best friends with dark? Does Christ go strolling with the Devil? Do trust and mistrust hold hands? Who would think of setting up pagan idols in God’s holy Temple? But that is exactly what we are, each of us a temple in whom God lives. God himself put it this way:
“I’ll live in them, move into them;
I’ll be their God and they’ll be my people.
So leave the corruption and compromise;
leave it for good,” says God.
“Don’t link up with those who will pollute you.
I want you all for myself.
I’ll be a Father to you;
you’ll be sons and daughters to me.”
The Word of the Master, God."
No words. There is was. Right there in black and white. I had been wasting precious time and I hadn't been very diligent in spending time the way I should and it was catching up to me. But thankfully my God is a God of forgiveness and second chances (unlimited second chances). I curled up to pray and all I could say was "Daddy, just want to spend some time with you. I need my Daddy time. It's been so long." Its been too long. I need to be close to my Daddy. Not just the occasional prayer for a friend, worship on Sunday morning or bible verse to hold myself together. No. I needed something so much deeper than that. I need a relationship and that takes time and work which I am more than willing to give.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Rainy Days
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
What Goes Unseen
Friends do you get the analogy? Think hard. Pray harder. Dare to be the one who peeks under the lid to see the Carpenter's work.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Saturday, October 19, 2013
No Sense in That
Thursday, October 17, 2013
You verses Me
You say I have faith - I luagh, I say I just know what I have been promised
You say I have conviction - I say I just know what I want
You say I am hard headed - I say I just chase my dreams
You say I am fearless - I say I am courageous, fearful but keeping my eye on the prize
You say I am an inspiration - I say I am just me and nothing more
I often find myself wondering why I people see me so much differently than I see myself. I often wonder how people can think so much of me. I can't say it's easy to understand, but I am starting believe that it's just the way I see life. I keep praying that God would show me how to see myself but at this point I just want to smile and accept the love I am being given. It has been a rather scary week. With a trip to the hospital and lots of medicine and a whole lot of prayer. My friends are taking great care of me, but I am pushing myself pretty hard. It's hard to believe what my body can do when I need to. Thankful for everyone who has been there this past week and praying that this next week looks better than the past. You say, I say, You say, I say. It may never stop but I love you all dearly.
Friday, October 11, 2013
A Minute at a Time
I missed spending good quality time with God. I had for a while. I had made excuse after excuse for my lack of time sitting in his presence but in the end I had just dropped the ball with that. God was right there. Everywhere I went he went with me so being on the road was no excuse. Having been traveling consistently since the semester started up again I was feeling the strain of living out of my duffel bag again and I was getting angry about it, and so I stepped back a little bit not realizing this was God giving me the opportunity to reach out while I was moving around. It was an invitation to get closer not to walk away. I said oh, I don't have time for God. Really Jennifer? Really? You sit around all day filling out random job applications online and watching T.V., but you don't have any "free" time you can spend with the creator of the universe? The one who made and remakes you every day? Are you kidding? Then it was well I just am not feeling very close of connected right now... huh.... I wonder why!
I realized very quickly that this was my fault. I dropped the ball. I totally had pulled away. Things got hot, God was moving fast and in powerful ways and I got scared and I pulled away. I stopped working on our relationship so it's no wonder I wasn't feeling very close to him. A relationship requires both people involved putting in the effort to grow and be closer otherwise it breaks down and falls apart. It is quite simple really. So as I sat in the Union with worship music playing in the background I questioned myself. What can I do to make this better? What can I do to change this? The answer came from that still small voice in the back of my mind :) "Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. Invest in our relationship and I will too. Work with me and I will meet you in the middle. My daughter I am here and I want to be close again, but you need to initiate this time. It's up to you to come to me. I will not force you to love and be with me. It is your choice. What do you want to do?"
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Friendship Revelations
What is a friend? I have been thinking and praying and wondering about this for a while now. Some hard things have happened in recent history and some of the people I considered friends were distant at best. That got me thinking. What is a friend? What are they supposed to do? What are friends supposed to look like?
Websters dictionary says this:
A friend is - a person who you like and enjoy being with, a person who helps or supports someone or something
Friendship is - the state of being friends : the relationship between friends
Friday, October 4, 2013
We Are One
Monday, September 30, 2013
Use ME!!!
As I found myself growing and getting a grip on just what it means to give up every thing to follow Christ I realized the one thing I wanted most was a prayer away. I had given up my comfortable home, most of my possessions, left my family and moved to a strange place where I bounced from home to home living on the generosity of others and the provision of God alone. I was living simply. Looking for a job and spending time with God and I was growing fast but something was missing. Something big. I discovered that I was pretty focused on myself, with good right at that point. I had a lot going on being in the middle of yet another big move and changing churches and all but it was also bigger than just feeling selfish. I had a desire to get plugged in and to serve. It was burning and growing and I couldn't ignore it. Despite my insane situation I discovered living a life of faith meant not only trusting God to meet my needs but also reaching out to meet the needs of others.
So I did it. I sat down and I prayed that night. "God, you are sovereign and you have never left my side. You are faithful and you provide for me meeting all of my needs, never letting me go without. Lord, please. Break my heart for what breaks yours. Use me, lift me up to do your will, to serve others, to love on them as I have been loved, to bless them and meet needs in their lived. God, use me. USE ME!!"
I had no idea what that meant at the time. No clue but now, as I am settling in at my new home and really digging in and getting plugged in I am finding all sorts of ways to serve and love on others. From lending a listening ear to a shoulder to weep on. From laughing and joking with a good friend to praying with new ones. God has given me an opportunity to reach out and lift someone up and share his love with them just about every day. I didn't know what I was getting into as I packed to move to Potsdam 14 months ago. I didn't know what I was getting into when I officially became a local three months ago. I didn't know what I was facing, ever. I just went and did what I felt God leading me to do. Each step a step of faith as I prayed and asked God to lead me and give me wisdom to know his will. Each step bringing greater and bigger blessings and each step bringing me closer to him. I have no idea what the future holds but I know that as I walk with God and continue asking him to guide and use me it will be an amazing blessing and great adventure.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
September days
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
That is what I am facing. It's scary. It's insane.
This is what I believe. Faith can move mountains. I have some big ones. The bible has this to say about mountains.
Matthew 17: 14-20
When they came to the crowd, a man approached Jesus and knelt before him. “Lord, have mercy on my son,” he said. “He has seizures and is suffering greatly. He often falls into the fire or into the water. 16 I brought him to your disciples, but they could not heal him.” “You unbelieving and perverse generation,” Jesus replied, “how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy here to me.” 18 Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of the boy, and he was healed at that moment.Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?” He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.
- allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty
- fidelity to one's promises (2) : sincerity of intentions
- belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion
- firm belief in something for which there is no proof, complete trust
- something that is believed especially with strong conviction;especially : a system of religious beliefs <the Protestantfaith
Friday, September 6, 2013
Outside Looking In
Matthew 13:57 - But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town and in his own home.
Jeremiah 29:11-13 - For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
One Word
Everything is a maybe right now. A maybe. Maybe this maybe that. Nothing is solid. Nothing is official. Nothing is simple or easy.
The End
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
A Pep Talk for Myself
Monday, August 26, 2013
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Return of the Students
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Loud and Proud
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Sunday, August 11, 2013
What It Takes
I have been here with the Mowery family for a while now and people are wondering how I feel about being here and they keep asking how I can live like this so hopefully in one post I can answer that. Hopefully.
As for how I feel about being here I have a ton of mixed emotions. I love this family. I love being here but I also get homesick and I miss my friends some days and there are days when I really just want that job and car and apartment so I can be on my own. It's a mixed basket right now. I always fear taking advantage of the amazing gift they are giving me but I also fear that they will think I don't enjoy it here. There are many things I could ramble about that answer that first bit but I hope that helps some!
As for what it takes for me to be able to do this, that is a simpler but longer list.
It takes faith first and foremost. Faith that this is where God has called me to be in this season and faith to live with a family that isn't my own, that I don't know and that I have so much to learn from.
It takes patience to do that learning. To learn where I fit in, what is expected, what is unacceptable, what works well and the daily ins and outs. It's a learning curve like no other.
It takes trusting God and this family to know that I am safe here, secure and that I am well provided for (which I am so don't worry!!)
It takes diligence! In order for this to work I have to be diligent in both serving where I can and receiving when needed but even more importantly it takes diligence to stay close to God while walking through so many unknowns and personal storms and to really let him be God and lead the way.
That is what comes to mind. I hope that explains a little of where I am right now and what I am thinking.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Impact Zone
It was just an average, ordinary day. Nothing exciting was happening. Had no plans, no to do list, nothing on the agenda when on four hours notice I decided to take a two day road trip. Didn't know why but knew I should go. Somehow I ended up visiting my family. That is where the inspiration for this next post came from.
Walk in the door
The house goes silent
For only a moment in time
Then chaos ensues
The "How are yous"
The "what's new`s"
They never get old
This spur of the moment trip
A special surprise for the little ones
But best of all
The shrill shrieking
Of a nine year old girl and three year old boy
Double trouble I call them
Little feet hit the ground running
And then the impact moment
Ninety pounds of kid
Colliding with my exhausted body
The smell of freshly washed hair
The sweet scent of "Johnson and Johnson" lotion
The warm embrace of two children
I love them more than life
It's the impact zone that melts my heart in an instant
It's just like old times
It's a memory made
It's family
Friday, August 2, 2013
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Give Up
Monday, July 29, 2013
The Nations
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Because I would rather BLEED INK than BLOOD
So my little sister doesn't think she needs battle scars of her own to match mine
So my little sister has someone to look up to
Because I am not damaged goods
Because I am worth it
To sleep at night
These are the ones that stuck out to me. If you have a reason comment on my post. I will take all the encouragement I can get! <3
Friday, July 26, 2013
Be Real
Thursday, July 25, 2013
A Story to Tell
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Settle In
Monday, July 22, 2013
Friday, July 19, 2013
You Are
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Just me and Nothing More
Monday, July 15, 2013
Stand by Me
Stand with me, don't ever leave my side
Stand by me and hold me when i cry
I lay it all down, to you this life
I freely give
You hear my cries, you feel my pain
You care for me like no one else
Always here, always here
Through the good times and the bad
When I'm on the mountain tops
When I'm in the desert, place
You are with me
Together we will go, walking hand in hand
The road may be long, it might be hard
But you are with me
You are with me
Let me sing your praise
Thankful for all you do
Please be gloried through me
Never alone, always loved
Protected and cared for
You are mine and i am yours
Let the whole whole world know
Here i am, at your feet
How could this ever be
A promise made, a promise kept
God, I'm so unworthy
It's by your grace i freely come
It's by your grace i find your love
Sunday, July 14, 2013
New Song
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Friday, July 12, 2013
Moms are special people
They love on you
They care for you
They know your favorites
They know what you haTe
They know you better than anyone else
But sometimes
They don't
Sometimes they let you down
Then it takes someone rather special
To show you what a real Mom looks like
I've been blessed enough
To be adopted into an awesome family
To finally know what a Mom really is
It's an amazing thing
A Mom
Is a special person
Recently I have stayed with several families and have been blessed to get to know three amazing Moms. I feel so special and loved and blessed to get this opportunity and want to take this chance to say thankyou!
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Knight in Shining Armor
He caught my attention
With sweet, sweet promises
Promises of unconditional love
Endless joy
Peace in all I do
He held my gaze
And I watched patiently
As he went to work
Healing a broken body
Mending a shattered heart
Keeping ever promise and more
Before I knew what was happening
He had turned my world upside down
I had fallen for him
And he had fallen for me
He is faithful
He is good
He is all I had imagined hed be and more
My knight in shining armor
My God
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Where do my passions lay?
What is it that I am good at?
What do I love to do?
The answers are found
In the pages and pages
Where my thoughts
Where my feelings
Where my heart
Finds life
Where they flow
From pen to paper
In a seamless stream
Where words become poetry
And poetry becomes a pester
Where the things that make me me flow
When I am alone, all by myself
Just me a pen and paper
I have been asking and wondering
And the answers been here all along
Words are my weapon
Words are my defense
Words make me me
They make me who I am
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Looking Past the Past
Friday, June 28, 2013
Country Life
Monday, June 17, 2013
Growing Pains
Sunday, June 16, 2013
The Man I Call My Dad
My biological father had left me the summer before. He wanted nothing to do with me. That cut deep. My Daddy was there to pick up the pieces. That was the first time I realized this guy was something special. I had grown up knowing him as my step-dad. Mark was his name. He was good to me. Treated me like he did my brother and sister and never once turned away from me. He fed me and gave me clothes and toys and books and writing supplies. He got a little upset with me at times. But I am getting sidetracked.
It was about a year after I my biological father had deserted me. As far as I was concerned he was nothing to me and I had no dad. We were at a tractor pull that next summer and I don't know if he knows I heard this conversation or not but I did. He was talking to the president of our club and he was signing me up to become a member so that I could pull too. I was so excited that day to finally be able to "play with the big kids" and drive a tractor down the track. He walked up to Jared and I can still recall the words he had to say. " Hey Jared, I need to sign my daughter up so that she can pull today."
I just about fell off my tractor. He couldn't be talking about my little sister so it had to be. He just introduced me as his daughter. He claimed me as his own.
Later that day I made a point to call him Dad every time I saw him or talked about him. People were confused at first but it didn't take long for word to spread. Mark Gabert was my Dad. I claimed him and he claimed me. We grew closer after that. I listened a little more intently as he worked on my tractor and he write a little more carefully when I brought him my latest poem to read. Now my Dad is not exactly a reader and he is certainly not a big fan of poetry but he always had a thoughtful comment to share when I came in and wanted him to read my latest masterpiece.
My Dad works really hard to provide for us. I mean really hard. Six days a week he shows up to his job at the local slate quarry. He works hard after work to keep the house running and he works hard after that at our family friend's farm to put fresh meat on our table. My Daddy is a hero in my eyes. He goes above and beyond the call of duty. He is always there when I need him and although he is human and he has let me down a time or two he has always accepted me and loved me as his own.
In case you haven't figured it out yet, I love my Daddy very much and I miss him even more when I am away. On this father's day, being 300 miles from my Daddy has been kinda difficult but know this. It changes nothing. Neither time nor distance can ever come between this little girl and her Daddy.