Saturday, August 24, 2013

Return of the Students

It has been a long summer. Very long. I made some new friends but I missed all of my old friends, the  tried and true, I will always be there for you, good old friends. It was getting a bit lonely without them all here but this weekend my prayers were answered as my friends all made their way back to Potsdam. It felt so good to hold them in my arms today as I met with them one by one throughout the day. The reunion will continue tomorrow morning but for tonight I have this much to say. Our God is good. He is faithful and he knows what we need and when we need it. I have an extremely positive lead on a job that I will absolutely love. I have seen most of my good friends and I have met with God on a very personal level this evening. As the students return for another year of hard work I am thankful, even more so than I was this past spring, for all the amazing friend God has gifted me with. It seems to me that I am only at my best when worshiping surrounded by the presence of God and my closest friends. As much as I have grown and seen amazing this happen this summer tonight was icing on the cake. It was the answer to my prayers and it was the reunion of a lifetime as I stood at the doors of New Hope Community Church as was bathed in love and excitement and some of the best hugs I have received in a very, very long time. I count myself extremely blessed to know these people and to be able to be loved and to love on them and to just be a part of this big family.