I have been here with the Mowery family for a while now and people are wondering how I feel about being here and they keep asking how I can live like this so hopefully in one post I can answer that. Hopefully.
As for how I feel about being here I have a ton of mixed emotions. I love this family. I love being here but I also get homesick and I miss my friends some days and there are days when I really just want that job and car and apartment so I can be on my own. It's a mixed basket right now. I always fear taking advantage of the amazing gift they are giving me but I also fear that they will think I don't enjoy it here. There are many things I could ramble about that answer that first bit but I hope that helps some!
As for what it takes for me to be able to do this, that is a simpler but longer list.
It takes faith first and foremost. Faith that this is where God has called me to be in this season and faith to live with a family that isn't my own, that I don't know and that I have so much to learn from.
It takes patience to do that learning. To learn where I fit in, what is expected, what is unacceptable, what works well and the daily ins and outs. It's a learning curve like no other.
It takes trusting God and this family to know that I am safe here, secure and that I am well provided for (which I am so don't worry!!)
It takes diligence! In order for this to work I have to be diligent in both serving where I can and receiving when needed but even more importantly it takes diligence to stay close to God while walking through so many unknowns and personal storms and to really let him be God and lead the way.
That is what comes to mind. I hope that explains a little of where I am right now and what I am thinking.