You say I am strong - I say I am weak
You say I have faith - I luagh, I say I just know what I have been promised
You say I have conviction - I say I just know what I want
You say I am hard headed - I say I just chase my dreams
You say I am fearless - I say I am courageous, fearful but keeping my eye on the prize
You say I am an inspiration - I say I am just me and nothing more
I often find myself wondering why I people see me so much differently than I see myself. I often wonder how people can think so much of me. I can't say it's easy to understand, but I am starting believe that it's just the way I see life. I keep praying that God would show me how to see myself but at this point I just want to smile and accept the love I am being given. It has been a rather scary week. With a trip to the hospital and lots of medicine and a whole lot of prayer. My friends are taking great care of me, but I am pushing myself pretty hard. It's hard to believe what my body can do when I need to. Thankful for everyone who has been there this past week and praying that this next week looks better than the past. You say, I say, You say, I say. It may never stop but I love you all dearly.