This blog is about me, the good, the bad, the ugly. Its where I post about life, love, struggles, friends and things God is doing. I'm finding out what being me is all about. I'm finding out what it is I wanna do. I'm finding out just where all my passions Lie. It's falling into place now one piece at a time. I'm finding out who I am, what I love, where I belong. It's all about me being Just Me and Nothing More.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Today church was amazing as usual. I feel like I was definitely supposed to hear the message this morning. It was FANTASTIC! But after the great sermon something special happened. I got to go up for prayer and it was amazing. I have been struggling with some stuff this past week and I wasn't sure exactly what to expect but God spoke. As I was praying with three people from my church God showed up big time. He gave the guy to my left a vision. At first he asked me a question. "Every feel like your life is really crazy and hectic?" UHHHHH YEAH!!! Just about every day! Then he told me what God had showed him. I was running through a field. Really running, in a hurry to get to the other side. And there stood God. He stopped me in my tracks, sat me down and started putting flower in my hair. He told me to slow down. Enjoy my present circumstances, take time to relax, be with him and really, truly enjoy where he has put me. To trust him in everything and to love him in all I do. He also told me to honor him in the seemingly mundane everyday things I do. That word had being given earlier in the service but it was given to me again. The message was clear. SLOW DOWN AND ENJOY WHERE I AM AND WHAT I AM DOING. To worship him in all things and to honor him in all that I do. WOW!!! God has never told me to slow down before. I am not sure what all that means yet but I plan on taking some time to "Stop and smell the flowers". Thank You God for ultimately giving me permission to stop take a deep breathe and unwind before going on.