So I have been thinking a lot lately
About me
About my story
About who I am
About where I came from
It's time to be real
It's time to let the world know
You may know already
You may have put the pieces together
Maybe not
There are good times and there are bad
There a days when I am fine
Sometimes I am not
The days when
Life is good
When life is easy
When all is going well
When I am feeling blessed
That is when I am fine
The days when
It is harder
When I get homesick
When I miss my family
When I have a bad dream
When I don't know what comes next
When I am feeling lost
When I feel alone
Those days i am not fine
You see we all have a dirty little secret
We all have a story to tell
Sometimes I allude to it
Sometimes I own it
Tonight I own it
I am going to be real
I am an abuse survivor
I have struggled
I get depressed sometimes
I used to cut
Yes, sometimes I still do
This is my story
And yes
It has a happy ending
For every time I have fallen
There has been a friend to pick me up
For every time I am broken
Every time I am hurting
Every time I am lost
For every time I am excited
For every time I am happy
For every time I am feeling blessed
And even when I am not
There is always someone
A person, a friend, My God
That comes along
Dusts me off
Dries the tears
And tells me It's ok
To be real
Someone told me recently that they didn't know my story but that they wanted to help me be all that I could be anyway. Those weren't the persons exact words but that is how I felt after the conversation. That stuck with me. I wonder how many people I have shared my story with and I honestly don't know but I wonder how much of an impact I could have if I opened up a bit more.