Thursday, January 24, 2013

New Beginings

I recently posted about a list of things i was frustrated with. I was angry and annoying and was trying to figure out how the heck I was going to do all these things that I just couldn't seem to get right with a broken hand. It bubbled over and I got seriously angry, I made some poor decisions and decided I was just going to hide and feel sorry for myself but then I talked to a great friend, a sort of adopted big sister, and Lyssa, thanks. She gave me some very wise words, ones most people wouldn't have said but they were what I needed to hear. Now I have a new semi-corny list.

  1. I can pray that God teaches me through this, shows me new ways how to do old things, and help me learn and grow from this
  2. I can do my hair one handed if need be but Merry Ann has also volunteered to  french braid my hair for me on Sundays, so I won't always look like a train wreck.
  3. I can type instead of writing, I know it's not the same but it's better than going crazy
  4. I can eat with friends, all of whom are awesome enough to help me carry things so that I don't wear them or cover the floor with them
  5. I can suck of my pride and ask for help.
That last one, I think that one is the most important. I grew up being told that I could do anything, that I never needed to ask anyone for help because I could do it all my myself. I always thought asking for help was a sign of weakness but now I realize I was being really prideful and that there is nothing wrong with asking for help when I can't do something myself. Today is the first day of a list of new commitments for me and I am very excited. Hopefully this dumb hand thing will be " more a blessing and learning curve than a burden, a way to grow and learn" to quote one of my closest friends!