Monday, January 28, 2013


This is how defines Christian:


1.of, pertaining to, or derived from Jesus Christ or His teachings: a Christian faith.

2.of, pertaining to, believing in, or belonging to the religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ:Spain is a Christian country.

3.of or pertaining to Christians: many Christian deaths in the Crusades.

4.exhibiting a spirit proper to a follower of Jesus Christ; Christlike: She displayed true Christian charity.

5.decent; respectable: They gave him a good Christian burial.

I have to ask myself... am I living a christian life? Truly in the deepest depths of my heart and mind am I reflecting Christ? Am I reflecting God? Am I Living the life he has set out for me? In the past few days I have done a lot of thinking and reflecting. I posted earlier today (sorry for the back to back posts) about my name and what it means. I have been hearing God call my name more and more lately as I have been asking him to reveal his plans for my life and in the end I think he is saying something huge when he is calling my name. I heard a sermon this past Saturday about having a mountaintop experiences and hearing God, listening to him reveal his plans in that way. A step by step process. I think as I was praying with a friend, a woman I have grown to see as an adopted-mom, the Christian mom I never had, I think I found that mountaintop experience. God called me by name. He knows me. He knows every cell in my body my thoughts and my heart and guess what Im not worthy of that. I have not been living a life worthy of him, his grace love, or attention. I have been living a lie and I am not worthy to be called Christian, daughter of Christ. Yet as I was spending the day alone, praying adn searching for God he reminded me that no one deserves what he so freely gives. Nobody can earn or ever will earn his love or gifts. His grace is mind-blowing and all we have to do is believe that he loves us and accept the gift of his atoning sacrifice, his one and only son. Its impissible to understand why God loves us the way he does but its entirely possibly to surrender to him and let him clean out the sin in out lives. Its hard but its possible. Can I ask all you, my readers and friends, to hold me accountable to letting God work through me, cleaning out the sin in my life and making me pure, clean and white as my name, and God calls me to be?