when walking with you hurts more than turning my face away
when that faith that moves mountains means doing what cant be done
when it comes to the point
where cracking and falling to my knees, crying at your feet
is the only option
when all i can do is call out your name
i know you are here holding me close
i come to you like the child i am
you are there as my father and my friend
you carry me when i can walk no more
you pick me up and you hold me close
as confused and hurting as i am
you grab me up in an instant
you take it all
the fear the pain the sorrow heartbreak and anger
its all gone, melted away
your grace your peace and your love surround me
and as i call out to you i can hear you say
" It's OK my little one, to come to me, to be at my feet, to not be the biggest or the strongest, you don't have to be the hero right now. You too have hurts and fears but they are mine now. No more worries. Wipe away your tears. Be at peace for I am here and it will be alright. I love you little one"