Saturday, February 23, 2013

Counselors Too

When the music fades
When worship is over
When the speaker speaks
When God shows up
Campers experience God
They learn and they grow
They are convicted and changed
God works among them
I came to camp
Not as a camper
I came to camp
As a counselor
I came expecting to teach love and help
I came thinking
That this would be any other weekend
When the music fades
When worship is over
When the speaker speaks
When God shows up
Counselors find God too
We too are stretched
We too are grown
Counselors too
Come to camp
And leave camp difference
No one is immune
No one

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Finish Line

I made a commitment
to make a change
I made a commitment
I can't go back
I set a goal
It's an uphill battle
One I will someday win
I can't give up
It's may get hard
But it is worth fighting
To get to that place
The one I want to be in
A better happier healthier place
A place I can be proud of
I made a commitment
to make a change
I made a commitment
To never go back
One day 
One step
One battle
At a time
I will see the end draw near
Look in the mirror
And be proud
When that day comes
I know in my heart
The struggle will pay off
And I will hear him say
"Well done, good and faithful one"

Sunday, February 17, 2013

New Again

I am a sinner
 I fall short time and time again
Day in and day out
I claim to live for Jesus
Day in and day out
I walk away from the one I claim to love
I know what needs to be done
I am letting fear and doubt hold me back
I want to be free again 
I want to be the woman he wants me to be
I want to truly love and live for him
I am not OK 
I want more of my God in my life
I want less of me 
I mess things up
He makes them perfect again
I just want to be free
Free at last
Free from the struggles of the past
Never to turn back again
I want to be
I want to be his
Only his

Monday, February 11, 2013


With everything going on lately things have been really crazy. New "friends", new adventures, new projects and goals. With all that comes a lot of stress. With that stress comes major mood swings. With those mood swings come major fears, awful lows, and scary thought. I was thinking about how I dealt with all this today. There are many things I do to keep myself sane. This is the list i came up with:

  1. I pray
  2. I write
  3. I sing
  4. I talk, to friends and God
  5. I follow the Butterfly project rules
For those of you who don't know what the butterfly project is these are the general rules:
1. when you feel like you want to cut, take a marker or pen and draw a butterfly on wherever the self-harm occurs. 
2. name the butterfly after a loved one, or someone that really wants you to get better. 
3. NO scrubbing the butterfly off.
4. if you cut before the butterfly is gone, it dies. if you don't cut, it lives.
5. if you have more than one, cutting kills them all.
6. another person may draw them on you. these butterflies are extra special. take good care of them.
7. even if you don’t cut, feel free to draw a butterfly anyways, to show your support. if you do this, name it after someone you know that is suffering right now, and tell them. it could help.

Not sure why I am really writing this post but in the end I hope it helps someone. It's a hard struggle, an uphill battle sometimes to keep yourself clean, sober, harm-free and living a life God would want you to live. These are things that help me. Things I rely on daily. Things I wouldn't be able to survive without.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


This world keeps spinning
faster and faster
One day I am home on the couch
the next day I am a college student
One day I am Up to my ears in stress
the next day I am relaxing and lounging, nothing to do
One day I am lost
the next day i am found
One day, the next day
This life is constantly changing and shifting
I never know what to expect
I never know what is coming with the next sunrise
I never know
I just don't
But at the same time I don't know
I know someone who does know
I know a guy that has all the plans
Written out, to show me one day at a time
Step by step
Little by little
He shows me what to do
What to expect
What is coming with the next sunrise
Life can be so crazy
It doesn't slow down
Not for me, not for anyone
There is always uncertainty
There is always a new adventure
There is always something to learn
I will never know it all
Then again
Not knowing
That can be the best part
The not knowing
It leaves room for surprise
It leaves room for fun
It leaves room for learning
Room for growing, mistakes and laughter
As this world keeps spinning faster and faster

Monday, February 4, 2013


It's hard to imagine that after eight years of dreaming and imagining my future that it would take only six weeks to change all my plans. It's hard to accept that what I had thought was perfect for me in reality was never a possibility. It's hard to accept that God's plans are the perfect ones when they don't match up with mine. It's hard to change a lifetime of dreaming over night. It took a series of events, some smaller and some larger, it took a lot of prayer and seeking God, It took advice from people I know and love, it took seeing myself for who I am not who I wanted to be. It wasn't easy. It's still not easy. To accept that my future looks completely different than I ever though it would. I will never be a teacher in a class room. I will never have students of my own. Instead I will write, like I always have. I will follow my passion for people. I will speak Spanish and I will follow God. Not necessarily in that order but that's who I am in reality. I am a writer that loves English and loves Spanish almost as much. I am me and sometimes that can be hard for me to swallow, I am so busy trying to be the person I want to see I forget the person I am looking at in the mirror. But it is time to face the music. God made me who I am. Now it's time to be that person. A major in Creative Writing, a minor in Spanish Studies. I think that is the way to go. Still praying about it. Still a bit unsure. But in the end if this is not what God has for me he will show me just like he did this time. Except I am pretty sure this is where he wants me to go. Pretty sure. Change is hard, we all know that. This was a hard choice to make. Its not official yet. It will be by the end of the week, I think anyway. So much happening so fast. Praying for guidance and wisdom. Seeking God. Changing and changing some more.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Love (not what your thinking :p)

I have been hearing, seeing and thinking a lot about love in the past few weeks. Naturally it is February so love is hot on most peoples minds but it's a bit different for me right now. It has nothing to do with stuff you can buy at the store or a great Valentines Day. No for me it's God's love I have been thinking about. How huge and ridiculous it  his love is. He freely gives his love to anyone that asks for it. ANYONE! When you come as you are, are real and genuine and you asks for God's love in your life you get it. He doesn't say well you need to do this and this and this first. NO, he says come as you are my child and I will perfect you and work in your life. Once we accept God's love we can't do anything to get rid of it. We can't ruin it by being dumb or stupid or saying something off the wall and ticking him off. Once we have him we get to keep him forever. How many people do you know that would still love you after you had strayed from them for the 798th time? I can't think of anyone other than my God. His love is mind-blowing and the more I learn and grow in my relationship with him the more God's love seems incredible amazing and really crazy! There have been many times in my life where I have felt alone, left behind by all, and yet God was there. There have been many times when I have been sinning and being just awful and was there too. When I have been riding God's tidal waves as they came back to back surfing through them, learning and growing, (stolen from a sermon by Kevin Ng, not my own) God was there loving me and pushing me to the next bigger wave. He has always been there. I don't deserve this incredible love but I have it anyway. Is this how you love? I know thinking about it for me has been eye opening. Seeing how God loves and calls us to do the same. It reminds me of the verse " For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God". Well of course we fall short! We're human and he is God. But he loves us anyway. Food for thought as I go through my day. Am I loving like God loves? Am I pleasing him?


In you, O Lord, I take refuge; let me never be put to shame. In your righteousness deliver me and rescue me; incline your ear to me and save me. Be to me a rock of refuge, a strong fortress, to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress. Rescue me, O my God, from the hand of the wicked, from the grasp of the unjust and cruel. For you, O Lord, are my hope, my trust, O Lord, from my youth. Upon you I have leaned from my birth; it was you who took me from my mother’s womb. My praise is continually of you.

Psalm 71:1-6

Friday, February 1, 2013


I am a farm girl. Always have been. Up with the sunrise and down when the chores are done. I miss that lifestyle a lot being at college in a town that seems like a city to me but even here there is a great treasure in watching the sun rise up over God's creation on an early Friday morning. There is nothing in the world like cracking open my while sitting in the stairwell window watching the sunrise. It's a very special time of day for me. It completes my day. Wasn't always that way though.

I started off college in September with a pledge to be a better person and Christian.  I can remember saying God make me who you want me to be, like it was God who made all my choices, who walked me to class, read my bible, sinned and loved and went through my life. Seems kind of like well DUH !!! Of course that's not up to God. It's up to me! At the time that seemed like a very reasonable request and for a while I was very dedicated but I soon grew bored and fell away. I wasn't going to bible studies, reading my bible and going to class because I wanted to. It was an obligation. I wasn't getting anything out of it and I was slipping away. I went to events had that " spiritual high" went back to my room and went right back to doing all the things that God was telling me I needed to not be doing.

Expedition and Urbana came and went and things changed little by little but it wasn't until I was reminded of my roots and how much I love both life on the farm and God that I decided to check my motives. I realized I had some work to do and once again I went to God but this time with a slightly different prayer. " God, I know that I can't do this alone. I am willing to put effort into our relationship but when it comes to daily tasks, I need a bit of help. I know that a weakness of mine, could you help me be accountable?" Woke up the next morning and I couldn't wait to crack open my bible to see what God would have to say. I went back to reading my devotional while the sun rose and what a difference it made on my entire day. I walked closer to God and with a little help from various sources (friends and Internet reminders) I grew and grew more disciplined and now I look forward to sunrises again. Yeah :) God is good. He answers prayer especially when it lines up with His will and our motives are pure!