Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Stop, Breathe, Pray

Stop, Breathe, Pray. These are words I have uttered and muttered countless times before but they are words with so much power behind them.

Stop. Stop stressing, worrying, freaking out and scrambling. It does absolutely no good. It brings nothing but stress, fear, illness and all sorts of other bad for you things.

Breathe. Take a moment to take a deep breath and relax. Realize that you are not now, nor have you ever been, the one in charge. Accept that. It will make life a thousand times easier.

Pray. The most powerful weapon we have is prayer.  Pray to the one who provides for all you need. You may not have all you want but what you need will be provided.

Much easier said than done I know but really it's the best solution to anything you face. Stop for a moment to set aside the chaos and insanity known as life. Breathe for a minute, unwind and remind yourself who is in charge and pray. Lift up whatever is on your plate to your Heavenly father who loves and cares for you. He will provide all you need!