- Being fierce loved by God and knowing him as Lord and Savior of my life
- Baking Banana bread when I get stressed
- My absolutely amazing friends that stand by me always, even when they shouldn't
- Both of my amazing churches. Whether I am in Potsdam or Granville I know there is a the body of Christ waiting for me
- My job. I may have a messed up eating and sleeping schedule because of it but I am incredibly thankful to have my job right now
- Writing! Writing has always been an outlet for me and to be able to write (or bake on occasion) has been a blessed relief
- My Blog here at Just Me and Nothing More and all the people faithfully read each and every new post. It is mad encouraging to see the "number of views" function rocket with each new post.
- My family. I love them, they drive me crazy and they love me back and that is something that connot be replaced.
- Heat!! I hate being cold and I am greatly appreciative to the people who have built the modern day furnace.
- Last but not least on this list is technology. Being able to communicate so quickly with my friends to share, care, love and encourage has been a life saver.
There you have it folks. 10 things I am thankful for today. I am sure there are more but these came to mind today and now I pass the challenge to you. What are you thankful for?