Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Night Before Hunting Season

I apologize ahead of time to anyone who doesn't approve of hunting!
'Twas the night before hunting season and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even the dogs
The rifles were hung in the gun racks with care
In hopes of big bucks soon would be near
The hunters were nestled all snug in their in their beds
while visions of tree-bark danced in their heads
Dad in his flannel and I in my sweats
had just settled down for our last good nights rest
when out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
we sprang from our beds to see what the matter
down the stairs we ran, a flash and a dash
to the front yard to inspect the very loud crash
the moon on the breast of a new fallen snow
gave light to the tracks that all hunters must know
when what to our wondering eyes should appear
hoof-prints in the snow the fluffy tail of a deer
with a silent look to his side my dad gives a look
to the house I run, a rifle a took
fast as my feet would carry
from my mission I would not terry
as dry leaves before a hurricane fly
when they meet with an obstacle mount to the sky
so through the house I ran
till a gun was placed in my dads hand
then with a start a heard that sound ring
the clock chimes twelve, time for the hunting to begin
through the woods we tracked all the night long
till the break of day and the morning birds song
our eyes twinkled the light on the snow
our cheeks like cherries and noses like a rose
after the exchange of one glance
we both began to dance
he spoke not a word but went straight to his work like a jolly old elf
I laughed at my dad in spite of myself
with the wink of his eye and swift knife-work he claimed
"Happy Hunting Season to All and to all Good Game!"