how do you start your morning?is it the same old morning routine, day in and day out,ABC and 123, just a force of habit?not me,nope i cant do that. that would drive me nuts.for me its something different every day. now you're probably wonder how i do start my morning.simple,one word,DEVOTION!i start my morning with devotion.sure i hit the same website every morning but i start every morning with a new and very different devotion.
i start with worship. i start with quality time with my God. now some may say duh! its a routine but
not me. every morning i learn something new. i grow just a tiny bit more. i get a bit of something bigger than me, brain food but for the spirit.there is no better way,no other way.i challenge you to do it too.start your mornings in his word.i guarantee you will view the world differently. you wont even do it on purpose but i bet you will find yourself doing things a bit differently throughout your day. i bet if you start your day with even ten minutes time just worshiping and reading the word you will see changes in and around yourself. little by little you will see things brighten up, things will look, seem, act, and appear different. don't believe me? try it and try to prove me wrong. i can tell you now I'm right but you can try to prove me wrong... go ahead i dare you!